Content Guidelines

Folha Geral® values the quality of its content, through a strict editorial line and attentive to the fact-checking process, always seeking to maintain as much impartiality as possible, thus guaranteeing journalistic principles and commitment with the truth.

Art. 1º – Values and Principles

  • Impartiality
  • Defense of freedom of expression
  • Competence and professionalism
  • Honesty and ethics
  • Freedom of choice
  • Promoting diversity
  • Defense of human rights.
  • Available editorials

  • Environment
  • Articles
  • Science
  • Tip
  • Human rights
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Lifestyle > Beauty > Behavior > Fashion > Healthy life
  • International
  • Justice
  • Music
  • News (General)
  • Pet
  • Policy
  • Press release
  • Health
  • Your rights
  • Technology
  • Tourism
  • TV & Movie theater
  • Art. 2º – What is needed for the content to be published in Folha Geral®?

    I – Exclusivity and relevance: the material must be produced exclusively for Folha Geral® with a topic of public and current interest.

    II – The content must indicate the author who wrote the text or the person responsible for the text, and it is not permitted to use the name of the agency or consultancy. In the case of long-term publications, we may, at our discretion, publish the article in the name of the author/agency/consultant.

    III – The content cannot contain outgoing links to stores, products, suspicious or criminal websites or to prejudiced, terrorist, ideological, Nazi themes, among others that violate Brazilian and international Laws.

    IV – Only one outgoing link is allowed for topics of public interest that follow good journalism practices and the Code of Ethics for Journalists. (Example: institutional websites, blogs, articles and products, as long as there is no purchase option or budget forms, among others.)

    V – Do not insert a link in the title, subtitle or first paragraph of the article. It is only allowed from the second paragraph onwards. Do not insert a quote in the title of the article or mention a company, brand or personality. There are exceptions as in the following example: “Folha Geral records 10 million hits in 24 hours, says DataMentira”.

    VI – To insert citations from professionals with professions regulated by a professional body, it is necessary to inform the professional's registration with the respective body (OAB, CRM, CRF, etc.). Furthermore, any information, data or research cited in the text must contain all reference sources for verification during checking.

    VII – To insert interviews, statements, images and other materials involving civilians, it is necessary to attach a notarized document with authorization to use the information or image.

    Art. 3º – There is no guarantee of publication

    The editor-in-chief has the autonomy to decide whether the material can be published or not, always respecting the vehicle's internal rules, editorial principles and editorial line. Despite all efforts to analyze the agenda suggestions and without undermining any work, it is not possible to analyze them all due to the high demand received daily.

    I – What if I pay to publish the material? There is no negotiation for rejected content.

    II – But can I pay to publish material?Yes. If the material is commercial or contains a link to a store or products. Negotiations must be made directly with ourCommercial Department ( always respecting the rules of the Conar.

    Art. 4º – Guest post treatment?

    Folha Geral® considers any material that contains links to be a guest post, and it is obvious that someone is paying for the publication of the content. In this case, the publication remains free, observing Art. 2. However, Folha Geral® may add links from other clients at any time to cover publication costs.

    Art. 5º – How long will the content remain published?

    Folha Geral® has the autonomy to delete at any time any material that is no longer relevant without prior notice. The author may also request the removal of the material at any time with a legal justification. Simply contact the Legal Department via email: It is important to note that the content removal request is only valid for content provided by third parties and the request must come from the person who provided the content. If Folha Geral® inserted links in the text, the removal request will not be accepted. Content can only be removed after three years, counting from the date the link was inserted.

    Art. 6º – Copyright, licensing and intellectual property

    Material provided by third parties is the sole responsibility of the author and must be duly licensed. When submitting material for publication in Folha Geral®, the author automatically transfers the rights of use to Folha Geral® for an indefinite period of time. However, under no circumstances will Folha Geral® be liable for any damages, including lost profits, business interruption, or loss of information that result from the use or inability to use the materials. The author (content provider) is solely responsible for the content and will be responsible for any problems the material may cause.

    The elected court of the District of Goiânia (GO), as the only one competent to resolve any controversies arising from this instrument, regardless of any other, however privileged it may be or will be.

    Art. 7º – Changing these Guidelines

    These Guidelines may be changed at any time without prior notice and come into force on the date of their publication, replacing any previously published.

    Available in:

    Also read the Terms and Conditions of Use:

    Goiânia, March 12, 2024

    Legal Department